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Java 8 Instant (Timestamp) example.

The LocalDateTime, ZonedDateTime and other classes are representing date in human readable formats. Java 8 introduced Instant class to represent machine readable time formats.

This class models a single instantaneous point on the time-line. This might be used to record event time-stamps in the application.

The range of an instant requires the storage of a number larger than a long. To achieve this, the class stores a long representing epoch-seconds and an int representing nanosecond-of-second, which will always be between 0 and 999,999,999. The epoch-seconds are measured from the standard Java epoch of 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z where instants after the epoch have positive values, and earlier instants have negative values. For both the epoch-second and nanosecond parts, a larger value is always later on the time-line than a smaller value.

package com.java2novice.datetime;

import java.time.Instant;

public class InstantTsEx {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// current time in timestamp format
		Instant currTimeStamp =;
		System.out.println("current timestamp: "+currTimeStamp);

		// get current time in milli seconds
		System.out.println("current time in milli seconds: "+currTimeStamp.toEpochMilli());

		// get current time in unix time
		System.out.println("current time in unix time: "+currTimeStamp.getEpochSecond());

		//parsing date from ISO 8601
		Instant strToDate = Instant.parse("2015-11-01T12:00:00Z");
		System.out.println("string to date conversion: "+strToDate);

current timestamp: 2017-12-15T11:16:54.101Z
current time in milli seconds: 1513336614101
current time in unix time: 1513336614
string to date conversion: 2015-11-01T12:00:00Z
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Java-8 Date and Time API Examples

  1. Java 8 LocalDateTime example.
  2. Java 8 ZonedDateTime example.
  3. Java 8 LocalDate example.
  4. Java 8 LocalTime example.
  5. Create date time with custom values in Java 8.
  6. Java 8 Instant (Timestamp) example.
  7. Java 8 Period example.
  8. Java 8 Duration example.
  9. Java 8 Date parsing and formatting example.
  10. How to compare two dates in Java 8?
  11. How to get current date and time Java 8?
  12. How to calculate execution / elapsed time Java 8?
  13. How to convert string to Date Java 8?
  14. How to add/substract days to Date in Java 8?
Knowledge Centre
Difference between while and do-while
The while statement verifies the condition before entering into the loop to see whether the next loop iteration should occur or not. The do-while statement executes the first iteration without checking the condition, it verifies the condition after finishing each iteration. The do-while statement will always execute the body of a loop at least once.
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When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad, and that is my religion.
-- Abraham Lincoln

About Author

I'm Nataraja Gootooru, programmer by profession and passionate about technologies. All examples given here are as simple as possible to help beginners. The source code is compiled and tested in my dev environment.

If you come across any mistakes or bugs, please email me to [email protected].

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